
Movable Type Upgrade

As you might have noticed, SG Watch was down for the past two days while I updated to the latest version of Movable Type. The reinstallation took longer than expected, since our wireless router at home decided to go on strike and refused to upload my files. It took the utility CD and the implicit threat of dismantling it with a menacing screwdriver before the router decided to cooperate again.

Although MT version 3.0 was released more than four months ago, I’ve resisted updating my CMS until now. The company that produces MT, Six Apart, turned corporate recently and started charging for the full version of MT, which used to be free. But unlike most popular freeware turned licensed software — one of the most infamous cases being Invision Board — Six Apart kept its promise and continued to provide a free version for personal use. Of course, the functionality of the free version is severely restricted. How else is Six Apart going to entice users to pay $60 for a product that used to be free?

That said, I have no qualms about Six Apart charging for a good product, and am actually relieved that Melody and Nelson — the creators of MT — kept their word about the free version. Those freeloaders who criticized Six Apart from turning its back on its diehard supporters are hypocrites; why aren’t they willing to fork out some money for the full version, if they’re really the hardcore fans they claim to be? Everyone has to eat, and that includes Melody and Nelson. There are no free lunches, least of all for freeloaders and hypocrites.

The free version allows only one author and a maximum of three blogs, which suits my personal needs just fine. One of my primary goals when I started SG Watch was to turn it into a community blog where everyone shares their opinions and views on all things Singaporean. As the free version allows only one author and a maximum of three blogs, it seemed a little too restrictive for the purpose.

But as time passes by, SG Watch slowly morphed into my personal website, a place where I share my thoughts on issues and complain about my life — the latter more often than not. Upgrading to a newer version of MT started to become a more appealing idea since the free version suits my personal needs just fine.

There are still some issues that need to be addressed before SG Watch is fully functional again. I did a clean install of MT, instead of just an upgrade; hence certain files including photos have to be uploaded again. Stay tuned for more updates.

15 December 2004 · Site

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